Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Marlow's Tavern

Last night I reconnected with some old friends from high school and had the best time. Ten of us met at Marlow’s Tavern. At first it was the polite, “hey, how have you been” conversation which over the course of the night and after a few round of drinks turned into old times like 14 years has not even passed. We picked right back up and acted as immature as ever and had a fabulous time! We will definitely have to do it again soon and take pictures next time. Good friends like that are hard to come by and I feel lucky to have them. : )

Ashlyn will turn 6 on Sunday and we are having her a spend the night birthday party Friday night. Her friends Zoe and Rae are coming to spend the night and some other friends are meeting us either at the skating rink or the bowling alley (she hasn’t decided). She wants a Hannah Montana cake and I’m getting her a Disney ipod for her birthday. The kiddos are going to Americus next week and I’m trying to strategically plan what to get done while they are gone. I’m thinking of painting the bathroom a Light Pistachio color and Frank’s room khaki. If I really get into it I may do my room as well. In addition, I plan to go walking at night, go to dinner with friends, and take long naps on the weekend! I'm ready for this break!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Learning to Blog

So...I've been hearing a lot about blogging and I figure it is time I try it. It seems to be a great way to keep up with friends since we all stay so busy. I recently moved to a new house which is the first house (versus apartment) since my divorce in 2006. As the name of my blog suggests, it is on Hope Street which seems to fit. I "hope" to settle into a community here and put some roots down to start a new life. I'm also going to use this as a tool to reflect on our busy lives and track progress toward my goals. I'll list them below so I have no excuses : )

Long term goals: Healthy and emotionally sound children who respect others and thrive, financial security, and true love and acceptance

Short term goals: Obtaining my MBA, going on a cruise, improving and maintaining my fitness level, starting a scrapbooking and or supper club, and taking some spur of the moment road trips!!! : )